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March 23rd, 2015

Carr-Saunders Goes Green

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


March 23rd, 2015

Carr-Saunders Goes Green

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


The team at Carr-Saunders has been working hard to make changes in preparation for their Green Impact workbook submission.  They’ve even managed to raise some money for charity, and find an excuse to eat cake too!

Here’s a run down of what they’ve been up to!


  1. Carr-Saunders Bakes for Fairtrade Fortnight & Red Nose Day
Red Velvet Cupcakes
Red Velvet Cupcakes

On Tuesday 3rd March the staff members at Carr-Saunders organised a bake sale for staff and students in the hall. All items in the sale were made using fairtrade and organic ingredients (a lot of chocolate was consumed as a result!) to promote the importance of choosing to purchase fairtrade produce. Red velvet cupcakes, raspberry & chocolate cheesecake brownies, rocky road bites and crunchy oat bars were just some of the highlights of the day. All donations from the bake sale will go to Comic Relief – £75.00 in total.



The Carr Saunders Team showing off their wares
The Carr-Saunders Team showing off their wares



  1. Carr-Saunders’ Green SelfiesStudent holding a whiteboard saying "I'm eco friendly because it's in everyone's interest"

As part of our annual Green Impact initiative we organised some events for our students to take part in. What started off as a themed movie night somehow turned into a student-led discussion on green issues and why it’s important to do our part. Always keen to see students taking part in staff-led initiatives, I gave them a camera and a whiteboard and let them roam the halls for 30 minutes to do a quick survey! Highlights included some of the pictures taken by our residents, which we’ve since used as part of a poster campaign across the hall to drum up enthusiasm for Green Impact and Student Switch Off!

Student holding a whiteboard saying "I'm eco friendly because I love the world" Student holding a whiteboard saying "I whip my hair back and forth instead of using a hairdryer"










  1. Making recycling easier

As part of our collaboration with Camden Council in trying to raise awareness of the importance of reducing general waste, we have now provided all 159 residents of the hall with individual recycling bags for their rooms. Lazy litterers no more! With an additional bin in their room for their mixed recycling needs, our students now have a direct incentive to separate their rubbish accordingly.

One of the new Recycling bags from Camden Council
No excuses now!

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Posted In: Green topics | Our colleagues