Stephen Amberg

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    In Donald Trump, Joe Biden and the Democrats are challenging an unprecedented populist demagogue

In Donald Trump, Joe Biden and the Democrats are challenging an unprecedented populist demagogue

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With fewer than three weeks until the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump has continued his attacks against his Democratic challenger, former Vice President Donald Trump. Stephen Amberg writes that in attempting to win the White House, Biden must not only counter Trump’s authoritarian populist appeals, he must also defend and keep together his own party’s diverse coalition.

In the tumultuous […]

The 2016 election needs a class-oriented agenda.

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Bernie Sanders’ popularity in the current presidential campaign has raised the possibility in the minds of many on the left that there could be a broader electoral movement of activists with a class-based agenda. Stephen Amberg writes that while President Obama has pursued some class-based policies, his ability to promote change has been largely limited by Congress to administrative […]

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