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March 9th, 2015

The Survey Story – Tales from the halls

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


March 9th, 2015

The Survey Story – Tales from the halls

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

There’s just two weeks left on the Student Accommodation Satisfaction Survey. We’ve hit 40% overall participation rate but we’re aiming for at least 60% this year. Today, we hear from the top three halls currently contesting the winning spot for a prize of £250 to see if they’re willing to divulge their secrets for obtaining their high participation rates!


Carr Saunders (Currently at 57.86%)

Motivated by the prizes!

We just really want the prize. That’s our secret. We have such a close community at Carr Saunders that everyone’s willing to work together to try and win the £250 (We even have an idea for what we want to spend it on!). We’re also very fortunate to have a really engaged Hall Committee who are helping us spread the word on social media. Being a catered hall helps too – everyone’s regularly in one place so we can quickly explain the importance of the survey to a wide audience.


Bankside House (Currently at 51.33% and last year’s champions!)

No sorcery necessary!

There’s no magic towards getting our students involved. We ask everyone walking in and out of the building if they’ve completed the survey and, if they haven’t, we invite them to use the computers in Reception to do so. We held a joint party with our Hall Committee which gave the survey an additional push. We also send the weekly league table to our residents as soon as we receive it to try and keep the competition active.


High Holborn (Currently at 44.04%)

Nothing’s going to stop them!

We’re going all out this year. We’re winning this if it’s the last thing I do! I’ve heard people will do almost anything for a delicious treat, so we’re offering a free Krispy Kreme doughnut to everyone who has completed the survey.   We’ve also invested in some Student Survey Uniform and all of the Front of House team are now sporting some Just Do It survey t-shirts! We hope this visual reminder as residents arrive home will spur them on to complete the survey.


Wow – there are some fantastic ideas there. We hope this has left you feeling encouraged and inspired! Currently the first and second places are held by the smallest and the largest hall, which shows that high engagement with the survey is possible no matter how big or small you are!

There are just two weeks to go until the Survey closes, and we’d like you to do all you can to get the participation rate as high as possible.   There is £250 in it for the hall with the highest participation rate, and plenty of individual prizes on offer to all residents who complete the survey.

If you have an inspiring Survey Story that you wish to share, please get in touch and we’ll blog about your achievements too. Or, if you need some support advertising the survey in your hall, get in touch with and Jennifer will try and help you out.

Thanks again for all your hard work so far!

High Holborn Survey Uniform
High Holborn say “Just Do It!”

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Posted In: Our colleagues | Residential Life