Barton Edgerton

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    Book Review: Everyday Economics: A User’s Guide to the Modern Economy by Steve Coulter

Book Review: Everyday Economics: A User’s Guide to the Modern Economy by Steve Coulter

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For many of us, economics appears too abstract and rooted in assumptions that make individuals seem unfamiliar as human subjects. In Everyday Economics: A User’s Guide to the Modern Economy, Steve Coulter seeks to tackle these perceptions by offering an accessible take on economics that shows how it has relevance to different aspects of our everyday lives, from health to shopping and housing. […]

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    Book Review: Neoliberalism: The Key Concepts by Matthew Eagleton-Pierce

Book Review: Neoliberalism: The Key Concepts by Matthew Eagleton-Pierce

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While ‘neoliberalism’ has become a commonplace term to describe the structures of the contemporary world, how easy is it to define such a large and evolving concept? In Neoliberalism: The Key Concepts, Matthew Eagleton-Pierce proposes that it can best be understood through an exploration of key related words, offering 44 short essays examining such terms as ‘class’, ‘finance’ and ‘market’. Barton Edgerton recommends this pleasurable, engaging and interesting […]

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