Audrey Borowski

Book Review: A Theory of the Drone by Grégoire Chamayou

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In A Theory of the Drone, French philosopher Grégoire Chamayou seeks to comprehend how drones have revolutionised contemporary warfare and to deconstruct the various narratives at the heart of what has become a conceptual and legal dilemma. Chamayou masterfully dissects and helps elucidate much of the twisted logic behind the justification of drones as well as their revolutionary impact on […]

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    Book Review: The Glass Cage: Where Automation is Taking Us by Nicholas Carr

Book Review: The Glass Cage: Where Automation is Taking Us by Nicholas Carr

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In The Glass Cage: Where Automation is Taking Us, Nicholas Carr expands upon his prior examination of the internet’s impact upon the workings of the human mind by turning his attention to the implications of wider processes of automation. As Carr’s nuanced approach communicates caution without positing either a fully utopian or dystopian view of technological advances, Audrey Borowski […]

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    Book Review: Radicals, Revolutionaries and Terrorists by Colin J. Beck

Book Review: Radicals, Revolutionaries and Terrorists by Colin J. Beck

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In Radicals, Revolutionaries and Terrorists, Colin J. Beck seeks to provide new conceptual tools through which to consider the potential overlap between notions of radicalism, revolution and terrorism. While elements of Beck’s argument are suggestive and promising, the book’s insights are often constrained by its overarching theory-driven methodology, writes Audrey Borowski.

Radicals, Revolutionaries and Terrorists. Colin J. Beck. Polity. 2015.

Radicals, Revolutionaries […]

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