Zoltan Hajnal

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    As long as white America remains skeptical of immigrants, moving to the left on immigration is likely to hurt the Democrats.

As long as white America remains skeptical of immigrants, moving to the left on immigration is likely to hurt the Democrats.

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Last week, President Obama announced new executive action to stop the deportation of undocumented immigrants that have been in the country for more than five years. This step has raised criticisms from Republicans who are against undocumented immigration and from some Democrats for not going far enough. Zoltan Hajnal looks at the Democratic Party’s immigration problem, writing that while […]

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    Under Democratic presidents, minorities make economic gains – and so do whites

Under Democratic presidents, minorities make economic gains – and so do whites

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In the lead up to presidential elections in recent years, both Republicans and Democrats have claimed that their policy platforms are better at improving the economic situation for minorities. Zoltan Hajnal and Jeremy Horowitz take a close look at both parties’ records on improving the economic situation for minorities, and find that under Democratic presidents, blacks and other minority […]

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