Todd Donovan

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    The Supreme Court’s voter roll decision gives Republican-controlled states another tool to suppress minority voting.

The Supreme Court’s voter roll decision gives Republican-controlled states another tool to suppress minority voting.

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In June 2018, the Supreme Court ruled that the state of Ohio could remove people from its voter rolls if they had not voted in two elections, and then failed to respond to follow-up letters. Todd Donovan writes that the decision may lead to thousands more voters being removed from rolls in Republican-led states like Alabama, Georgia and Pennsylvania, […]

Voters are not blindly cynical about money in politics

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Recent years have seen growing concern over the role of money in politics, with many Americans seemingly believing that campaign money represents quid pro quo corruption. But in new research which uses survey experiments, Todd Donovan finds that people think about campaign money is based on both its source and the amount; Democrats and Republicans see donations to their […]

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    Strict voter ID laws make Republican voters more confident about elections

Strict voter ID laws make Republican voters more confident about elections

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Recent years have seen a growing number of states adopt stricter voter identification laws, justifying these new laws as guarding against voter fraud. But are citizens actually concerned that voter fraud is going on? In new research Todd Donovan and Shaun Bowler find that in states without voter ID laws, Democrats are generally confident that elections are fair while […]

Campaigns for ballot initiatives on minority rights may increase animosity towards these groups

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The U.S. Supreme Court recently heard arguments for Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action and will soon decide whether Michigan’s 2006 ballot initiative to end affirmative action policies at state universities violated the Equal Protection Clause. Using survey data taken before and after campaigns to pass “Defense of Marriage Amendments” in 2004, Todd Donovan shows that the actual promotion […]

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