Tim Newburn

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    Despite signs of less punitive policing and incarceration policies, 2014 will be remembered for Michael Brown and Eric Garner

Despite signs of less punitive policing and incarceration policies, 2014 will be remembered for Michael Brown and Eric Garner

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This year saw the trend away from mass incarceration continue and signs of what might be the emergence of an end to the ‘War on Drugs’. In his review of the year in criminal justice and policing policy, Tim Newburn writes that while there have been some encouraging signs of a less punitive and exclusionary means of dealing with […]

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    The politics of punishment in America are slowly moving away from the mass incarceration policies of the past.

The politics of punishment in America are slowly moving away from the mass incarceration policies of the past.

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Decades of punitive crime policies, frequently linked with the ‘war on drugs’, have given the US the highest incarceration rate in the world, with African Americans vastly overrepresented in the prison population. Tim Newburn argues, however, that there may be some small cause for optimism. In a recent speech, the US Attorney-General, Eric Holder, announced changes to the way offenders […]

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