Ruthann Robson

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    After the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision, Congress should consider amending or even repealing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

After the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision, Congress should consider amending or even repealing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

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This week saw a sharply divided decision from the United States Supreme Court in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. In deciding that corporations are allowed to object to providing health insurance for employees that includes contraceptive coverage on religious grounds under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), the Court’s majority has sided with corporations and religious conservatives and […]

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    Supreme Court cases over the “contraceptive mandate” are dominated by issues of corporate personhood, religious beliefs, and sexual equality

Supreme Court cases over the “contraceptive mandate” are dominated by issues of corporate personhood, religious beliefs, and sexual equality

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This spring, the Supreme Court will hear two cases about the legality of the so-called “contraceptive mandate” in Obamacare, which obliges employer-sponsored health insurance to cover the costs of contraception. Ruthann Robson explains that these cases unite issues of corporate personhood, religious beliefs, sexual equality, and the role of the government. She argues that in order to resolve these conflicts, […]

Confederate cotton creates modern issues, as the right to wear the Confederate flag is contested in contemporary U.S. schools

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Although the Civil War was more than 150 years ago, some leftover tensions from 1865 still persist. Ruthann Robson argues that the courtroom is one such battlefield for these conflicts, examining cases regarding the rights of students to wear the Confederate flag to school. The Confederate States of America lasted less than five years more than 150 years ago, but […]

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