Melissa Deckman

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    How the Resist Trump movement could transform into the Tea Party of the left

How the Resist Trump movement could transform into the Tea Party of the left

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Donald Trump’s inauguration as President of the United States has sparked waves of mass protests against his administration as well as the disruption of many legislators’ town hall meetings. Melissa Deckman draws the parallels between the current emerging Resist Trump movement and 2009’s Tea Party protests against President Obama. She writes that while this new movement appears to have […]

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    The Affordable Care Act’s birth control mandate was an important factor in Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection.

The Affordable Care Act’s birth control mandate was an important factor in Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection.

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Prior to the 2012 presidential election, Democrats accused the Republican Party of waging a ‘war on women’ over their opposition to abortion, and to the Affordable Care Act’s mandate for employers to provide birth control coverage as part of their workplace based health insurance. In new research, Melissa Deckman and John McTague investigate how this narrative affected the outcome […]

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