Kevin Kane

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    America’s superstar cities have high levels of inequality, but their neighborhoods are often mixed in terms of income, education and occupation.

America’s superstar cities have high levels of inequality, but their neighborhoods are often mixed in terms of income, education and occupation.

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When we think of ‘superstar cities’ such as San Francisco, concerns arise about inequality, segregation and the effect of gentrification on mixed neighborhoods. In exploratory research, Kevin Kane looks at the link between inequality and urban segregation and political polarization. He finds that inequality does not necessarily link to neighborhood segregation in superstar cities: neighborhoods with growing incomes, a […]

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    In Los Angeles, the geography of where people work has been experiencing rapid change.

In Los Angeles, the geography of where people work has been experiencing rapid change.

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Just as cities are places where people live, they are also places where they work. But does where people work in cities remain stable over time? In new research focusing on Los Angeles, Kevin Kane and the UC-Irvine Metropolitan Futures Initiative look at changes in where jobs are located between 1997 and 2014. They find that over the study […]

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