Katherine Pettus

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    The Covid-19 pandemic means that the running down of the US Strategic Stockpile of medicines could not have come at a worse time. 

The Covid-19 pandemic means that the running down of the US Strategic Stockpile of medicines could not have come at a worse time. 

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As pain relievers, opioids are a vital part of treating patients with Covid-19. But, as Katherine Pettus writes, the combination of reductions by the US of its buffer stock of opioids, and the chronically low stocks in 80 percent of the world, mean that patients are now abandoned in their hour of need. She urges governments to listen to guidance from UN […]

Single payer builds immunity to opioid crises

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All countries now have a decade to achieve both universal health coverage and to prevent and treat substance abuse under the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Katherine Pettus argues that adopting a single-payer public health system is likely to be the only way to achieve these targets. Government procurement agencies, she writes, will also need to overcome the […]

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