Julia Azari

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    Primary Primers: While Trump’s impeachment now seems forgotten, it damaged his political capital and reduced his sway in the Republican Party

Primary Primers: While Trump’s impeachment now seems forgotten, it damaged his political capital and reduced his sway in the Republican Party

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To say that 2020 has been an eventful year is an understatement. A global pandemic, national uprisings against racial injustice, an economic collapse – these are just the major items. It’s easy to forget that earlier this year, President Trump survived an impeachment trial. Below, Julia Azari explores how this has affected the 2020 election. She argues it appears […]

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    Primary Primers: The Electoral College is a complex institution that may be making contemporary political conflicts worse

Primary Primers: The Electoral College is a complex institution that may be making contemporary political conflicts worse

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In US presidential elections, the winner is determined not by who wins the most votes nationwide, but by who wins a majority in the Electoral College, with every state having an elector for each of the state’s US House and Senate seats. In the wake of a number of elections in recent years which have seen the winner of […]

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