Josh Ryan

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    The Democratic primary shows the weakening role of elites in choosing the nominee.

The Democratic primary shows the weakening role of elites in choosing the nominee.

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In modern presidential primaries, there is often a disconnect between the candidate that primary voters want, and the more pragmatic electoral choice of party elites. Josh Ryan argues that the “party decides” model of primary election has been tested in recent years, with the nomination of Donald Trump in 2016 and the likely selection of Joe Biden, a candidate […]

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    The Democratic Party’s presidential primary lasts too long—and that may hurt the eventual nominee

The Democratic Party’s presidential primary lasts too long—and that may hurt the eventual nominee

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In the lead-up to the 2016 Democratic primary, most commentators believed that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would easily win her party’s nomination while the Republican field would be consumed by infighting. While Donald Trump became the Republican nominee in early May of 2016, Clinton took a further month to secure her own party’s nod. In new research […]

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    Evidence shows that the gerrymandering of district boundaries is not necessarily a cause of political polarisation

Evidence shows that the gerrymandering of district boundaries is not necessarily a cause of political polarisation

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In the United States, boundaries for the House of Representatives and many states are decided by the membership themselves rather than an independent commission (as is the case in the UK and many other European democracies). Reformers in the United States argue that the commission based model is superior and that it would act as a counterweight to political […]

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