Jennifer Hayes Clark

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    Inequality in Health Care Persists at the State Level, Especially in Red States with Diverse Populations

Inequality in Health Care Persists at the State Level, Especially in Red States with Diverse Populations

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In March 2010, President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which marked the most comprehensive reform of the American health care system since the Johnson Administration. This federal legislation makes the American states key political stakeholders for achieving major goals of the reform, one of which is to make health insurance coverage more inclusive and equal. […]

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    Elections using Open Primaries lead to more autonomy being granted for committees in State Legislatures.

Elections using Open Primaries lead to more autonomy being granted for committees in State Legislatures.

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State legislatures vary considerably in their organization, especially in the scope of leadership powers and the degree of autonomy given to legislative committees.  Since the members themselves often have power over how their own legislative bodies are organized, political scientists have a keen interest in understanding why members choose to give committees greater autonomy in decision-making. Tanya Bagashka and […]

Term limits alone do not cause legislators to shirk their duties—the actual results are far more complicated

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A number of U.S. states currently impose some form of legislative term limits in order to ensure competition and accountability among elected officials. However, some argue that term limits actually make legislators less responsible to their constituents, causing them to abstain from more votes and shirk their duties. Jennifer Hayes Clark and R. Lucas Williams argue that the willingness to […]

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