Jack Santucci

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    Ranked choice voting in New York City will not upset the two-party system, but it is raising questions about political parties

Ranked choice voting in New York City will not upset the two-party system, but it is raising questions about political parties

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Last month, New York City held primary elections for Mayor and other city government positions. These contests used ranked-choice voting (RCV), whose majoritarian version is gaining popularity in the United States. Jack Santucci questions whether RCV has transformed New York City politics and argues it is part of a wider debate about the role of political parties in America. 

New […]

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    Utah’s new kind of ranked-choice voting could hurt political minorities — and sometimes even the majority

Utah’s new kind of ranked-choice voting could hurt political minorities — and sometimes even the majority

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In 2019 two cities in Utah began using a type of ranked-choice voting for elections. And while ranked-choice voting is more effective in increasing minority representation than first past the post voting, Utah’s version may be harmful to minorities, argue Jack Santucci and Benjamin Reilly. As votes under this system can ‘cascade’ downwards from the first winner to others […]

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    Why adopting proportional voting may bring back the big-tent political party

Why adopting proportional voting may bring back the big-tent political party

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In this week’s midterm elections, Maine will break new ground by using ranked-choice voting to select who to send to Washington DC. But another kind of ranked-choice voting has also gotten lots of attention — the single transferable vote, a type of proportional representation. Jack Santucci gives an overview of how this form of ranked-choice voting works, its history, […]

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    Maine’s election shows that ranked-choice voting is hot right now. But we have been here before.

Maine’s election shows that ranked-choice voting is hot right now. But we have been here before.

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This week voters in the Pine Tree State chose to continue using ranked-choice voting in state-wide elections. Jack Santucci explains that ranked-choice voting is likely to be adopted in polarized political environments, creating majorities where there currently are none, and as a reaction to unpopular politicians who have won without majorities of votes. He reminds us that the current […]

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    Past experience shows that proportional representation is possible in the US. But there are tradeoffs.

Past experience shows that proportional representation is possible in the US. But there are tradeoffs.

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The way that state and federal government are elected in the US has changed very little in the past two centuries. Yet, the entrenched two-party system has led to increasing calls for electoral reform. One reform, used in many other countries, is proportional representation. Jack Santucci writes that some US cities were actually able to institute proportional representation before […]

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