J. Benjamin Taylor

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    Debunking the myth that poor whites vote against their interests for Republicans

Debunking the myth that poor whites vote against their interests for Republicans

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Recent years have seen the rise of the idea that poor whites in America have developed a tendency to vote for Republicans, who in general do not have their best interests in mind. Using National Election Survey data, Sean Richey, J. Benjamin Taylor, Jeffrey M. Glas and Junyan Zhu take a close look at this idea of […]

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    Extreme media may polarize opinions, but they also educate viewers about politics and policy.

Extreme media may polarize opinions, but they also educate viewers about politics and policy.

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Modern political discourse is dominated by ‘extreme’ media commentators such as Glenn Beck, Keith Olbermann, and Sean Hannity. But could these bombastic hosts actually be good for US democracy? In new research using experiments and survey data, J. Benjamin Taylor finds that rather than misinforming people, watching extreme media is linked to improvements in people’s political knowledge.

Is it possible […]

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