Cora Lacatus

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    Donald Trump’s populist appeals failed to win over an electorate which wanted and needed a competent COVID-19 response.

Donald Trump’s populist appeals failed to win over an electorate which wanted and needed a competent COVID-19 response.

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Since the reality of the threat of COVID-19 became apparent, President Trump has taken little meaningful action to protect Americans from the pandemic. Analysing the now lame-duck president’s tweets, Corina Lacatus and Gustav Meibauer argue that Trump’s decision to make populist appeals over the course of the election did not have the intended effect of increasing support from his […]

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    Long Read: Trump’s electoral rhetoric has become self-interested, nativist policy

Long Read: Trump’s electoral rhetoric has become self-interested, nativist policy

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In 2016, Donald Trump unexpectedly won the White House following an anti-elite populist election campaign which emphasised an exceptionalist and nativist view of America’s place in the world. Reviewing the president’s tweets and speeches in the lead up to the 2018 midterm elections, Corina Lacatus finds that Trump’s far-right populist rhetoric now links closely with his administration’s policies, including […]

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    For Donald Trump, campaigning by Twitter limited the public’s access to his policy positions and strategies

For Donald Trump, campaigning by Twitter limited the public’s access to his policy positions and strategies

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Each day, much of the political world wakes up and asks “What has Donald Trump tweeted now?” While Trump’s use of Twitter defines his presidency, it was also integral to his 2016 election campaign. Cora Lacatus analysed more than 47,000 tweets and over 500 press releases from Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders from the 2016 election campaign. […]

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    Eight centuries on from Magna Carta, upholding the rule of law remains a challenge on both sides of the Atlantic.

Eight centuries on from Magna Carta, upholding the rule of law remains a challenge on both sides of the Atlantic.

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Last month marked the 800th anniversary of the signing of Magna Carta, an agreement between King John of England and feudal Barons, which played a key part in establishing values we know today such as the right to a fair trial and equality under the law. Tim Oliver and Cora Lacatus look at the historical and continuing importance of […]

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