Charles A. Kupchan

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    To return the US to the global stage, Biden must first strengthen the country’s domestic foundations.

To return the US to the global stage, Biden must first strengthen the country’s domestic foundations.

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After four years of “America First” policies under Donald Trump, President Biden has pledged to return the US to a position of leadership on the world stage. Charles A. Kupchan and Peter Trubowitz write that to accomplish this, Biden will first need to rebuild popular support for internationalism at home through programs to support US workers affected by trade, […]

A China Strategy to Reunite America’s Allies

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China’s autocratic ways and its strategic ambition are prompting the world’s democracies to band together against it. As the European Union’s recent decision to sign an investment accord with China makes clear, China’s geopolitical heft and the allure of Chinese trade and investment are tempting many to curry favor with it. But, write Charles A. Kupchan and Peter Trubowitz, acting […]

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