Caroline Fitzpatrick

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    In Canada, where children attend school may have an effect on their health and the choices that are available to them

In Canada, where children attend school may have an effect on their health and the choices that are available to them

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Many schools in socio-economically disadvantaged communities struggle to provide their students with healthy food environments. In a study analyzing almost 500 children in 246 schools the Canadian province of Quebec, Caroline Fitzpatrick finds that that 10-12 year olds attending the least healthy schools had comparatively higher central body fat than those attending healthier schools, where students had easy access […]

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    Disadvantaged and visible minority students may be less likely to benefit from supportive relationships with teachers

Disadvantaged and visible minority students may be less likely to benefit from supportive relationships with teachers

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Children’s success at school helps to lay the groundwork for career and personal success; the continued underperformance of disadvantaged and racial minority students is therefore of great concern to policymakers. In new research using data from a longitudinal child development survey in Quebec, Caroline Fitzpatrick and her co-authors found that race and appearance contribute to academic adjustment problems regardless […]

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