Anne Power

Your vote counts when you remember Selma

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Anne Power marched from Selma half a century ago to protest the unequal treatment of black people in America and to fight for their ability to vote. Ahead of the UK’s General Election, she writes that Selma should remind us all that our right to have a say is precious and voting matters. 

Fifty years ago, Martin Luther King, America’s black Civil Rights leader, led […]

What British and European cities can and can’t learn from the US experience

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Bruce Katz recently spoke at the LSE on the metropolitan revolution in the United States. But what can British and European cities learn from their American counterparts? For one, strong city leadership with strong mayors makes a big difference. Most importantly, Europe must learn from urban America’s entrenched ghetto patterns and deep-set inequalities, writes Anne Power. The link between the future of cities […]

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