Alexander Bolton

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    Despite Obama’s actions on gun control, there is little he is able to do to change the status quo.

Despite Obama’s actions on gun control, there is little he is able to do to change the status quo.

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In the two weeks since President Obama announced his latest tranche of executive orders on guns, many Republicans have accused him of making a dramatic power grab over the legislature. Alex Bolton and Sharece Thrower disagree, writing that there is little guarantee that any of Obama’s instructions will actually be executed, and those that are may be overturned by […]

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    How spending more money on Congress helps check the President’s executive power.

How spending more money on Congress helps check the President’s executive power.

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In the past year, President Obama has been roundly criticized by the Republican Party over his use of executive actions. While Obama has claimed that he has taken such actions because of Congress’ inability to act, his critics argue that he is being excessive and maybe even unconstitutional. In new research, Alexander Bolton and Sharece Thrower find that presidents’ […]

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