Alan Manning

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    Why we need to do something about the monopsony power of employers

Why we need to do something about the monopsony power of employers

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Monopsony decreases worker mobility, keeping wages lower than they would be in a competitive market, writes Alan Manning.

You have almost certainly heard of monopoly, but less likely to have heard of monopsony. The literal definition of monopoly is a situation where there is only one seller of a product; though the term is used more loosely to refer to […]

September 5th, 2020|Alan Manning, Economy|0 Comments|
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    Local joblessness has persisted because of persistent job loss

Local joblessness has persisted because of persistent job loss

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A common explanation for continued economic hardship and unemployment in many cities in the U.S. is workers’ lack of ability or desire to move. In new research which examines more than 722 ‘commuting zones’, Michael Amior and Alan Manning find that many cities which have endured declining employment have also experienced large population outflows, but because of continued industrial […]

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    The rise of the robots means we need progressive politics more than ever

The rise of the robots means we need progressive politics more than ever

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There are those who argue that progressive politics is doomed because the powerful forces of the market and technology are inevitably leading us to a more unequal society. The opposite is the case, writes Alan Manning.

The changes in technology we are seeing mean that we need progressive politics more than ever. We need it to ensure that technology results […]

An increase in the federal minimum wage is now likely

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In his second article on the minimum wage, Alan Manning looks at the history of the policy since 1938, finding that the federal minimum remains relatively low compared to that in most other OECD countries. He writes that Presidential proposals, which began nearly a year ago, may see an increase in the minimum wage to over $10 an hour. He […]

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    Increasing the minimum wage does not necessarily reduce employment

Increasing the minimum wage does not necessarily reduce employment

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Recent months have seen President Obama make a renewed push to address inequality in the U.S., especially via one policy lever he has focused on previously- raising the minimum wage. For many, conventional economic wisdom states that raising the minimum wage costs jobs, as employers are less willing to take on staff at higher rates of pay. Alan Manning takes […]

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