
About Ribale Sleiman-Haidar

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So far Ribale Sleiman-Haidar has created 293 entries.

Faleh Abdul Jabar: From Fighter to Academic

by Zuhair Al-Jezairy

This article is part of a collection of tributes to the late Faleh A. Jabar.
Dr Faleh Abdul Jabar, who died aged 71, was described as campaigner, fighter, journalist, translator and sociologist. He excelled in all these capacities.
As a young man who grew up in the teeming neighbourhood of Bab al Sheikh in central Baghdad, Faleh was profoundly influenced by the new trends of the sixties, including […]

Tribute to Faleh Abdul Jabar

by Charles Tripp

This article is part of a collection of tributes to the late Faleh A. Jabar.

There was so much to admire about Faleh as a person and a scholar. And for those who did not have the good fortune to know him personally, his scholarly qualities live on in the works that are key parts of his legacy. […]

Faleh Abdul Jabar: An Untimely Departure

by Kawa Besarani

This article is part of a collection of tributes to the late Faleh A. Jabar. 

Born in one of the poorest and deprived neighbourhoods of Baghdad, Faleh experienced misery firsthand: the lack of job opportunities, no proper health or educational services, whole families living cramped in one or two rooms. This experience strongly influenced and affected the way […]

The Legacy of Faleh Abdul Jabar

by Renad Mansour

This article is part of a collection of tributes to the late Faleh A. Jabar. It was originally published by Middle East Research and Information Project in MER 284 – THE LATIN EAST (Volume 47, Winter 2017)

Iraqi sociologist Faleh Abdul Jabar passed away on 26 February 2018 in Beirut. His last words, on Al-Hurra’s ‘Iraq in a Century’ program, emphasised his concern […]

  • Permalink Some of Faleh Abdul Jabar's works in English and Arabic.Gallery

    In Memory of Faleh Abdul Jabar: Scholar, Mentor, Activist and Friend

In Memory of Faleh Abdul Jabar: Scholar, Mentor, Activist and Friend

by Toby Dodge

This article is part of a collection of tributes to the late Faleh A. Jabar.

The death of Faleh Abdul Jabar in Beirut, on 26 February 2018, has deprived the academic world of the leading intellectual working on Iraq. However, the contribution that Faleh made to Iraq over his lifetime was much more than purely intellectual, for he […]

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