
About Ribale Sleiman-Haidar

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So far Ribale Sleiman-Haidar has created 293 entries.

Yemen: Background to the Manufacture of a Proxy War

by Helen Lackner
This memo was presented part of a workshop organised by the LSE Middle East Centre looking at the Saudi–Iran rivalry in the region on 7 May 2018. 

Of the regional states affected by the Iran–Saudi rivalry, Yemen is the most remote; until recently it was also the least significant. While Saudi Arabia has been deeply involved in Yemen for decades, Iran remained marginal. In […]

  • Permalink Hezbollah's supporter interviewed at Liberation Day (Bint Jbeil, 25 May 2014)
Gabriele Pedrini / Shutterstock.comGallery

    Saudi Arabia, Iran and the Struggle for Supremacy in Lebanon and Bahrain

Saudi Arabia, Iran and the Struggle for Supremacy in Lebanon and Bahrain

by Simon Mabon
This memo was presented part of a workshop organised by the LSE Middle East Centre looking at the Saudi–Iran rivalry in the region on 7 May 2018. 

On 4 November 2017, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri resigned from office whilst in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Hariri had been summoned to meet the Kingdom’s Crown Prince, Mohammad bin Salman who was increasingly concerned at the rising […]

Saudi Arabia and Iran: Mirrored Islamisms

by Sir John Jenkins
This memo was presented part of a workshop organised by the LSE Middle East Centre looking at the Saudi–Iran rivalry in the region on 7 May 2018. 

The relationship between Saudi Arabia and Iran in the contemporary Middle East can be seen as one of competing legitimacies within a disordered system. This competition does not seem manageable in the way many people assume; and […]

Saudi Domestic Uncertainties and the Rivalry with Iran

by Madawi Al-Rasheed
This memo was presented part of a workshop organised by the LSE Middle East Centre looking at the Saudi–Iran rivalry in the region on 7 May 2018. 

Most analysis of the Saudi–Iranian rivalry seems to miss the fundamental points that underline the tension. Both countries are not trying to defend themselves from each other. Iran is trying to save itself from either foreign intervention […]

The Iranian Threat: The Saudi Perspective 

by Ali Shihabi
This memo was presented part of a workshop organised by the LSE Middle East Centre looking at the Saudi–Iran rivalry in the region on 7 May 2018. 

Since 1979, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has seen itself as facing a radical, militaristic and expansionist Iran that leverages Shi’a disenfranchisement, local power vacuums and a vast and growing network of well-armed and well-trained proxies to […]

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