
About Ribale Sleiman-Haidar

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So far Ribale Sleiman-Haidar has created 293 entries.

Saudi Arabia and Iran: Beyond Conflict and Coexistence?

by Madawi Al-Rasheed & Pejman Abdolmohammadi

On 7 May 2015, the LSE Middle East Centre organised a workshop entitled ‘Saudi Arabia and Iran: Beyond Conflict and Coexistence?’. It was a coincidence that several academics, policy makers and think tank analysts debated the roots of the rivalry between the two countries throughout the day while awaiting the expected announcement to withdraw from […]

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    Book Review: Alfred Stepan’s ‘Democratic Transition in the Muslim World’

Book Review: Alfred Stepan’s ‘Democratic Transition in the Muslim World’

by Youssef Cherif

‘It first happens in Tunisia, then in Egypt’. This was the common saying in the euphoric days of 2011. Some observers continued to see parallels between the two countries in actions and developments until 2012 and even 2013. Then Abdel Fattah al-Sisi staged his coup. Since that fateful day of July 2013, the two countries went their […]

Al-Jazeera Under Siege

by Jessica Watkins

I have recently returned from a research trip to Doha. I can’t say how the current mood compares to how things were before the Saudi-led blockade against it began last summer because this was my first visit there, but on balance, it seemed more resolute than broken.

My trip coincided with a piece in The Guardian by Tim […]

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    The Sadrist–Communist Alliance: Implications for Iraq’s Secular Politics

The Sadrist–Communist Alliance: Implications for Iraq’s Secular Politics

by Benedict Robin

The victory of Saairun (Marching Forward) in Iraq’s 12 May elections took many by surprise. The alliance which united the Shi’i Islamist Sadrist movement, led by the cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, and the Iraqi Communist Party (ICP) won more seats (54) than any other electoral coalition.

Much has been written since the shock election result reflecting on Muqtada’s supposed transformation […]

فالح عبد الجبار المهموم بالدولة

عمر الجفّال

هذه المقالة هي واحدة من مجموعة من الإشادات لفالح عبد الجبار الذي توفي في 2018.
ظلّ تاريخ أحزاب المعارضة الإسلامية العراقيّة -بالنسبة للكثير منا نحن الجيل الذي ولد في أواسط وأواخر ثمانينات القرن الماضي- مثل لعبة البازل التي نحاول جمع قطعها لتركيب صورتها الشاملة. كان تقصّي حراك تلك الأحزاب مهمّة شاقّة، لا سيما وأن الكثير من القطع كانت ناقصة […]

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