The Higher Education Academy is running the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme again this year – see here for details. We can nominate up to three people from the School who can demonstrate excellence in supporting the student learning experience at LSE. The three criteria for nomination are:
Individual excellence with students (here evidence might include high teaching scores, internal teaching prizes, and strong student recommendations);
Raising the profile of excellence (here, evidence might include involvement in academic/educational development activities in your department and further afield. For example, organising an event on teaching in your department , mentoring colleagues/GTAs, running workshops on teaching in your discipline or some other aspect of teaching and learning outside the LSE)
Developing excellence (here, evidence as to how you develop your own skills as a teacher is important. For example, researching aspects of your teaching practice, attending training, regularly reviewing disciplinary teaching journals)
The application process does take time, and anyone interested in being considered should contact Dr Liz Barnett ( or ext 6623), Director of the Teaching and Learning Centre in the first instance, before the 31st January, in order to meet the nomination deadline of 12noon Wednesday 12th March 2008. If we have more than three people being considered for nomination, there is an internal process to select the final nominees. Last year we had one successful nomination: Dr Clare Hemmings of the Gender Institute. This year, LSE will be host to the NTF Symposium in May.

Successful nominees receive a £10,000 award which they can use as they please for personal and/or professional development in teaching and learning. Contact Liz Barnet in TLC if you are interested.