Environmental History

La Physiocratie in South America, an Enduring Legacy

In this post Camilo Arango Duque examines the enduring legacy of the Physiocratic School and argues that its impact on politics and policy in South America needs to be addressed in order to ensure greater environmental protection. 

Physiocracy is a French economic school that originated in the 18th century during the Enlightenment. The initial recognition gained by its postulates was brief and waned in […]

June 11th, 2021|Featured|0 Comments|

Risks of Improvidence: COVID-19 Exemplifies the Problems in International Governance of Disaster Risk

In the international governance of disaster which has emerged since the early twentieth century, governments have been reluctant to invest in disaster preparedness. In this article, Dr Lukas Schemper discusses the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of the historical and continuing problem of lack of action in preparing for national and global disasters. 


“Why We Fail to Prepare for Disasters”

Several […]

Disaster Relief in Historical Perspective: 25 years of UNDAC

The second half of 2018 has seen several disasters around the world. India saw two major destructive floods: One in the state of Kerala in South India and the other in North-East Indian states. Ravaged by heavy rains and flooding of rivers, houses were submerged, and livelihoods as well as lives lost. Relief provision was hampered in inaccessible areas, […]

December 5th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments|