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Monday 10th November 2014, 19.15 – 20.45
Room G.01, Tower One, London School of Economics

‘Building the Rule of Law: in search of coherence or case-specificity?’

The Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law in association with the JSRP and ODI will host a panel discussion on the place of rule of law in the post-2015 development goals.  Following criticism that the Millennium Development Goals were too narrowly framed, the rule of law has been widely acknowledged as being a missing element in the existing framework. Yet the exact place that rule of law should, and will, occupy in the post-2015 UN Development Agenda is the subject of ongoing debate.  The Bingham Centre has convened a panel discussion of the issues surrounding the current negotiations over the post-2015 sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) due to be adopted by the General Assembly in September 2015.   Discussion will develop around the following issues:

  • Is the rule of law susceptible to a globally applicable definition? Or is it a context-specific concept?
  • Is the rule of law concept capable of sufficiently case-specific measurement?
  • In the current proposed version of the SDGs the rule of law features in the Introduction and also as one of the targets, but only access to justice features as an actual goal.  Is this the best way forward?

Chair:  Dr Mareike Schomerus (LSE/JSRP)

Speakers: Dr Deval Desai (World Bank) and Naina Patel (Bingham Centre)

Discussants:  Sir Jeffrey Jowell (Bingham Centre) and Dr Michael Woolcock (World Bank)

The event is free and open to all.

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