The Ballpark podcast

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    The Ballpark podcast Episode 5: What’s a political poll got to do with it?

The Ballpark podcast Episode 5: What’s a political poll got to do with it?

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In this week’s episode of The Ballpark, hosts Denise Baron, Sophie Donszelmann, and Chris Gilson a look at what political polling can tell us about democratic participation, public policy, and political priorities.

This episode features interviews with Daniel Laurison, Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the LSE’s Sociology Department, Larry Jacobs, Walter F. and Joan Mondale Chair for Political Studies at the […]

The Ballpark podcast Episode 4: The Almighty Dollar

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In this week’s episode of The Ballpark, hosts Denise Baron, Sophie Donszelmann, and Chris Gilson look at the almighty dollar and decipher US monetary policy, central banking, and exchange rates.

This episode features interviews with Jeff Frieden, Professor of Government at Harvard University, Gianluca Benigno, Professor of Economics at the LSE, and Chris Parkes, Post-Doctoral Fellow at the LSE.
Listen to Episode 4 on Soundcloud

There […]

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    The Ballpark podcast Episode 3: Power, Person, People: US Foreign Policy

The Ballpark podcast Episode 3: Power, Person, People: US Foreign Policy

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In this week’s episode of The Ballpark, hosts Denise Baron, Sophie Donszelmann, and Chris Gilson take a look at contemporary theories around American power and the factors that influence US foreign policy.

This episode features interviews with Nick Kitchen of the LSE US Centre, Xenia Wickett of Chatham House, and Lloyd Gruber of LSE’s Department of International Development.
Listen on to Episode […]

The Ballpark podcast Episode 2: This is not a hot take

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In this week’s episode of The Ballpark, hosts Denise Baron, Sophie Donszelmann, and Chris Gilson dive into the current state of American politics, but instead of giving you a “hot take,” present you with a historical perspective from 1920 and a political theory on polarisation.

This episode features interviews with Mona Morgan-Collins of the LSE’s Government Department, and Professor James Snyder […]

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    Introducing The Ballpark podcast and Episode 1: The Strongest Economy for Who?

Introducing The Ballpark podcast and Episode 1: The Strongest Economy for Who?

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Today the LSE US Centre launches its new podcast, The Ballpark, a regular online audio show on US politics, policy, and research. In each episode, hosts Denise Baron, Sophie Donszelmann, and Chris Gilson take a closer look at American politics, economics, policy and news. We’ll feature and dissect the research of academics from the LSE and around the world. […]

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