Shutdown 2013

The U.S. has made it through shutdowns before, but a lengthy fight over the debt ceiling could cause unprecedented market chaos

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The U.S. government has been in a state of shutdown since last Tuesday, and there seems little likelihood of Republicans and Democrats coming to an agreement on funding the government in the next few days. While the government has made it through the previous 17 shutdowns that have occurred since 1977, Andy Langenkamp argues that the threat of the U.S. […]

The Hastert rule is severely limiting Speaker John Boehner’s ability to negotiate a compromise over the shutdown.

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In response to Newt Gingrich’s tumultuous term as House Speaker in the 1990s, his successor, Dennis Hastert, took a much more consensual leadership style, bringing no bill to the House floor unless supported by a majority of the majority party. This informal arrangement is now known as the ‘Hastert Rule’. Joshua Huder and Marian Currinder look at how the strict […]

Congress should be a venue for deliberation and compromise over policy, but the shutdown shows that Washington’s budget process is broken.

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As we enter the second day of the U.S. government’s shutdown, many federal employees have been sent home from work without pay, and government contractors and grantees will also start to lose income. Roy Meyers looks at how the U.S government has reached this point, arguing that the Republican Party has not learned the lessons from the previous shutdowns of […]

The increasing ideological polarization of the Republican and Democratic parties has led to the U.S. government’s shutdown.

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After lengthy battles over a Continuing Resolution to fund the U.S. government, Congress has failed to reach an agreement, and the government is now in the process of shutting down. Michele Swers looks at how and why these budget fights have become a familiar part of Congressional politics in America. She argues that the increasing ideological polarization of the Republican […]

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