Daily Archives: March 4, 2017

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    Companies that do better by their customers also do better in the stock market

Companies that do better by their customers also do better in the stock market

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Many firms don’t understand the value of satisfied customers or don’t collect their data correctly, write Claes Fornell, Forrest Morgeson and Tomas Hult.

A debate about whether firms with superior customer satisfaction also earn better-than-average stock returns has been persistent in the academic business and marketing literature (Fornell, Mithas, Morgeson, and Krishnan 2006). Proponents of the customer satisfaction-stock market relationship […]

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    How families from gentrifying neighborhoods can help break the cycle of school segregation

How families from gentrifying neighborhoods can help break the cycle of school segregation

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Those who traditionally attend racially similar schools tend to seek out a similar environment for their own children, a trend which can reinforce school segregation. Genevieve Siegel-Hawley, Stefani Thachik and Kim Bridges have studied families in a gentrifying neighborhood, finding that many who came from privileged backgrounds wished to send their own children to public schools and to invest in […]

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