Charlie Beckett

November 16th, 2010

A very social media Royal Wedding


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Charlie Beckett

November 16th, 2010

A very social media Royal Wedding


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Go to Twitter for the full gamut of reaction to the Royal Wedding Announcement. Here we have the excellent, but slightly cynical Paul Waugh from PoliticsHome looking out for the internment of uncomfortable policy announcements. Meanwhile, the rest of  Real Britain rejoices.

It seems to me that Twitter, like most social networking sites, is now becoming much more representative of the general population. More liberal-leaning metro-media types  pioneered the micro-blogger, but now there are also networks of teachers, medics, and as the above response to the Wedding shows, Royalists and Sex Toy Saleswomen.

It’s going to be a very social media Royal Wedding. Like the election debates, it will be TV that gets the big audiences but it will be the online networks that feel the buzz. A lot of it will be tongue-in-cheek, some of it downright hostile. Everyone will get a chance to have their say, regardless of the official or mass media coverage.

Never thought I would say this, but in that sense, I am looking forward to this. God Save The Queen!

[I did an interview for CNN’s US edition on this]


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Charlie Beckett

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