Charlie Beckett

February 27th, 2010

Is the Internet Screwing Up Our Kids?


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Charlie Beckett

February 27th, 2010

Is the Internet Screwing Up Our Kids?


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Media researcher Wadi Hassan has made a charming and thoughtful video about two children from the next century discovering how the Internet changed their minds – as predicted in a rather alarming speech by scientist Susan Greenfield.

Clay Nicholls from Dadlabs speaks in defence of the Net and Video games, while I muse about being part of the television generation.

Judge for yourself with the video, but my (incredibly ill-informed) opinion is that any effects are related to behaviour and so are more of habit than biological or chemical. In other words, media consumption certainly impacts on us as social beings and so we can choose to change the impacts and effects. And often we will make more creative results out of these influences.


About the author

Charlie Beckett

Posted In: Media

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