Charlie Beckett

September 18th, 2008

Bolivia on the edge and on vacation


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Charlie Beckett

September 18th, 2008

Bolivia on the edge and on vacation


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

I am biased because I have just been there for my holidays but it does seem that Bolivia does matter. A very good article here by Justin Vogler in OpenDemocracy:

“When both Evo Morales and his adversaries cried victory in the “recall referendum” on 10 August 2008, it was widely predicted that an already critical situation in Bolivia would get worse. Two months later, with the eastern half of the country in chaos and dozens dead, there is real fear in South American capitals that Bolivia could be on the verge of territorial disintegration and civil war.”

It matters because this small, impoverished, land-locked Latin American state is symbolic of a wider struggle for democracy in that region. And you don’t have to support Evo Morales (or Chavez) to believe that. They also have lots of gas.
It’s also a terrific place for a holiday.


About the author

Charlie Beckett

Posted In: International | Journalism | Research

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