Charlie Beckett

May 17th, 2007

BBC backs religious bigots


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Charlie Beckett

May 17th, 2007

BBC backs religious bigots


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

At first I thought it was a parody, so awful were the production values. But Desi DNA, a programme on BBC 2, really was glorifying and celebrating a variety of Hindu and Islamic youth activists who campaign to reduce freedom of expression. It’s a perfectly valid point of view to believe that you have the right to object to art or advertising that you find offensive to your beliefs. But why didn’t the BBC give a voice to people (like yours truly) who think that in this society, artists and journalists have a right to offend. (Not an absolute or total right but certainly the presumption should be that in the right context you have a right to free expression). Yet this pathetic show with its appalling presenter, who pranced around in her Palestianian scarf as if it was a youth music show, didn’t even bother to query the religious bigotry of the interviewees. This was crap telly, crap journalism and an insult to anyone of intelligence of any faith or none. If we are going to build inter-faith bridges then it will be through allowing people to advocate their faith, to defend their beliefs but to enter in to real dialogue not this kind of sponsered propaganda for prejudice.


About the author

Charlie Beckett

Posted In: Journalism


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