Charlie Beckett

November 24th, 2006

My night with Lily Cole – model revelations


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Charlie Beckett

November 24th, 2006

My night with Lily Cole – model revelations


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

I spent the evening listening to Lily Cole revealing the underside of fashion last night – here’s the full story.

Lily was the teenage model at the eye of the media storm over ‘size zero’ models. They are blamed for creating unattainable images of beauty. The accusation was that teenage girls (and boys) would feed the epidemic of eating disorders in their desperate efforts to emulate their skinny heroines (and heros) of the catwalk and magazine shoot.
Lily, who is a charming and intelligent woman, said that it was a real problem:
“I do think that it is worrying. I went to one show in Milan and was told that I was too fat!”
But she thinks that the fashion industry and society share the fault.
“It’s a vicious cycle. Fashion responds to society. It creates images but the public is also to blame for buying it.”
And what about drugs and fashion? Is that all the fault of the highly competitive nature of the business?
“No, I know cooks and accountants with more stress. There might be just as much drugs in those jobs. But it’s the way that fashion is perceived because it is associated with drugs.”
I must confess now that Lily was actually talking as part of a fascinating centenary debate at the London College of Fashion on a panel debating the dark side of fashion.
More tomorrow from that evening – including why Roland Mouret thinks we should all go naked for a week on the beach every year…Š


About the author

Charlie Beckett

Posted In: Journalism | Research


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