
  • Permalink United Nations Climate Change Conference, Doha, Qatar, 2012Gallery

    Can climate change speed up economic diversification in the GCC?

Can climate change speed up economic diversification in the GCC?

by Aisha Al-Sarihi

Last year’s  Paris Agreement marked the first time all 190 UNFCCC members committed to keeping the average global temperature rise from pre-industrial times well below 2 degree Celcius. While a collective action is needed to turn this vision into reality, the responsibilities of each country will differ depending on their national circumstances. The economic reality of the […]

October 24th, 2016|Uncategorized|1 Comment|

The importance of Rojava–North Syria for the PKK

by Cengiz Gunes

This memo was presented at a workshop organised by the LSE Middle East Centre examining the experiment in Western Kurdistan. A report providing a distillation of the presentations and discussions is available to download here. 


The developments in the majority Kurdish regions of Syria (known as Rojava) since the outbreak of conflict in 2011 have shone a focus on the […]

August 31st, 2016|Uncategorized|1 Comment|
  • YPG
    Permalink © Kurdishstruggle, source: flickr.com.Gallery

    Dissecting the YPG: Operations and Strategies as the Defender of Rojava

Dissecting the YPG: Operations and Strategies as the Defender of Rojava

by Wladimir van Wilgenburg

This memo was presented at a workshop organised by the LSE Middle East Centre examining the experiment in Western Kurdistan. A report providing a distillation of the presentations and discussions is available to download here. 

The YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) is the most effective force on the ground in Syria fighting IS (Islamic State). Its success against IS means […]

August 26th, 2016|Syria, Uncategorized|1 Comment|

Globalisation and Human Trafficking: The GCC and the Rest

by Samuel R. Greene and Nathan W. Toronto
This memo was presented at a workshop organised by the LSE Middle East Centre and the UAE National Defense College on 12 January 2016.

How does globalisation influence state development? Academic and policy writing addressing trafficking and labour law, as well as broader research on globalisation, have made contradictory predictions about how greater […]

April 28th, 2016|GCC, Uncategorized|1 Comment|
  • Permalink An injured protester during clashes outside Cairo University, July 2013. Diariocritico de Venezuela, flickr.comGallery

    Towards an Ethics of Sight: Violence Scholarship and the Arab Uprisings

Towards an Ethics of Sight: Violence Scholarship and the Arab Uprisings

by Sarah E. Parkinson

This memo was presented at a workshop in Rabat on ‘The Ethics of Political Science Research and Teaching in MENA’, organised by the LSE Middle East Centre and King Mohammed V University in Rabat on 9-11 June 2015.

How do politics of sight affect the ways in which participants and observers understand violence during the Arab Uprisings? By ‘politics […]

August 26th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments|

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