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  • Rafsanjani and Khamenei
    Permalink Rafsanjani with newly elected Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, 1989.  Source: Khamenei.irGallery

    What US policymakers can learn about Iran from the life and death of Rafsanjani

What US policymakers can learn about Iran from the life and death of Rafsanjani

by Adam Weinstein

On the eve of Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani’s death, he was no longer a hardliner. But he wasn’t a reformist either. Many Western newspapers described him as ‘Iran’s ex-president’ in their elegies of him but his legacy dwarfs that characterisation. US policymakers should study both his life and the reaction to his death to understand the complexities of the […]

Book Review: Shadi Hamid’s ‘Islamic Exceptionalism’

by Adam Weinstein
Islamic Exceptionalism is an extension of an argument earlier asserted by Hamid which is that democracy in a Muslim society will rarely produce a liberal society, but might instead further introduce Islam into public life. This is said with the reminder that Islam – even Islamism – is not monolithic. As Hamid explains ‘for many Muslims, the point […]

Hezbollah’s Empty Seat at the Syria Peace Talks in Vienna

How to Define a Hezbollah at War With Takfiri Militants?
by Adam Weinstein

The recent attacks in Paris have added enormous world pressure for the United States, Russia, and Iran to decide the future of Bashar al-Assad and Syria. The US cites Assad’s alleged war crimes and lack of legitimacy as the reasons why his departure must accompany any political solution. Russia […]

  • Permalink © Kamyar Adl,

    Hindsight is blurry — Iran and the danger of assuming sanctions beget diplomacy

Hindsight is blurry — Iran and the danger of assuming sanctions beget diplomacy

by Adam Weinstein

With the achievement of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between Iran and the P5+1, the power of diplomacy is being celebrated worldwide. However, behind the applause for successful negotiations some policymakers are giving credence to the long history of US sanctions against Iran for their ability to bring the Islamic Republic to the negotiating table. […]

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