
Can be about blogs in general or blogs for teaching and learning.

What CLT (can) do for you: Social Media

CLT – what we do for you…
An occasional series about stuff we support and promote & which we think you should know more about. Today’s post is about Social Media.

Social Media
‘Social media’ is a generic term that describes all those online applications you use to communicate, share and collaborate with others for variety of reasons, networking, fun, politics and of course learning. Blogs, social networking sites (eg facebook), twitter, wikis (eg Wikipedia), flickr – all these are social media. For a comprehensive guide, check out the JISC InfoNet guide on social software.
CLT have been promoting and supporting the use of social media in education for quite some time and especially in the last two years LSE academics have really started to embrace them. Blogging and twitter have become particularly popular, as their potential for making connections in learning, teaching and research has become more apparent. In our CLT NetworkED seminar series last year, Patrick Dunleavy indeed made a great case for academic blogging as part of a new digital revolution in the academic publishing world. Facebook groups are used by PhD students as a platform to share information and academic tips across the disciplines. Moodle wikis are used to facilitate collaborative writing to great effect. The new director Craig Calhoun has an established twitter presence and recently encouraged anyone out there to ask him questions via twitter (#askthedirector) which he answered in real time at a particular hour at the beginning of term. And if you still need convincing that twitter can (i.e. most emphatically not must!) have a place in academia, have a quick read of the LSE guide to twitter.

If you’re planning an academic conference or event, however small or big, you should really consider creating a hashtag so that the wider community can participate: online backchannels are now as important as face2face meetings. And if you’re not sure about which social media are right for you – teaching, networking, learning or research – then you should get in touch with us! Drop us a line, drop in on us, book on one of our training courses: we’ve been supporting the use of social media for a long time!

Our workshops change over the years of course – recently we have started to concentrate more on how to write effectively for the web and moved away from the more step by step learning of how to create and manage blogs. We can also tailor workshops to particular departments’ or groups’ needs. Get in touch if this is something that interests you.


2005 CLT start running blogs via wordpress
2006 CLT host first externally facing blog for Charlie Beckett,
2007 Libraries & Social Software in Education (LASSIE) project, project blog still going strong and maintained by CLT’s Jane Secker
2008 Digital Literacy workshop programme, offering workshops on blogging, social bookmarking, twitter, using rich media (youTube, flickr etc) in teaching…
2010 set up the yammer domain – a sort of corporate ‘walled’ twitter application for all LSE account holders.
2011 Workshops on social referencing tools: CiteULike, Zotero, Mendeley
2011 #LSEnetED: CLT seminar series NetworkED: Technology in Education launched with funding from the LSE Annual Fund.

Update: Conor Gearty’s Reflections on ‘new media’ , published yesterday (12/11/12), is a measured and well-informed discussion of the pros and cons of academics’ (esp. Public Lawyers) use of twitter and blogging.

Blogging & Twitter Workshops

Due to popular demand we have scheduled two additional workshops next week. A handful of spaces remain for each.

  • Introduction to Twitter – Wednesday 22nd June @ 12:00 – Uses of Twitter in education, including a hands-on session to get you up-and-running or develop your existing use. Details & Booking
  • Introduction to Blogging – Thursday 23rd June @ 12:00 – Covers blogging for researchers as well as other uses in education such as newsletters & teaching. Includes the opportunity to create your own blog. Details & Booking

Blogging Help & Support

 We are developing a new website to support LSE bloggers

Blogging Help & Support is a guide for LSE Staff & students on creating & contributing to blogs. It provides general guidelines on blogging and specific help with WordPress, the blogging tool used by the LSE Blogs service, &

We recommend that you visit the site and subscribe for either email or RSS feed updates to receive notification of the latest additions.

Blogs can be used for a variety of purposes and there are already a large number of LSE Bloggers.  If you want to join in please see the new website or contact us for a chat.

February 22nd, 2011|Blogging|0 Comments|

Google Wave for e-learning

Something that’s come to my attention very recently is Google Wave – Google’s reinvention of e-mail/instant messaging/collaborative editing/blogging/discussion boards etc. into one combined platform. The name still sounds a bit ominous to me, you’ll know what I mean if you’ve seen the film “Die Welle” – I was initially concerned that Google would be trying to route all forms of conversation through its servers for advertising targeting purposes. However, my fears are tempered for now as it seems that Google Wave will be a completely open source platform that can be installed on any server. Apparently no messages need to go near a Google server, but I guess we are still at the early stages of its development and implementation.
Looking at the announcement video (embedded below or available from the Google Wave website), the concept does look very impressive and I can see all sorts of potential benefits for elearning and academic research. Especially, if the server side technology can be hosted in house. The first 30 minutes of the video are enough to get an idea of what it does and how it works. Alternatively, Wilbert at CETIS provides a more thorough description of the technology and its potential applications, advantages and disadvantages.

Another eportfolio

Has anyone looked at Expo LX or any of the other tools produced by I came across it at IoE Learning Technology Unit. It currently only integrates with Blackboard though the website states that integrations with Moodle and other systems are “on the roadmap”. It’s essentially a tool for creating personal sites including blogs with permissions built-in so it can be used for eportfolios. It might also be of interest to the web team for personal & group sites e.g. for academics, researchers & research groups.

I’m going to download & take a look. No, I’m not, it only appears to come as a Bb building block, so forget that!

Also on the LTU site were some ‘technology tasters’ which included this list of educational uses for wikis which is better than the one I had for our last workshop!

LSE4You Blog

There is a new LSE4You blog run by the ‘eDevelopment’ team, which I guess is a new name for an old team, certainly new to me.  There is also a Suggestions board.  To get to the board you have to pass through the “LSE Authentication Service”.  The blog is WordPress but I’m not sure what’s behind the board.

January 16th, 2008|Blogging|0 Comments|

Web 2.0 is evil?

Yesterday evening at the “Towards a social science of web 2.0” conference we witnessed an extremely interesting ‘debate’ between Charles Leadbetter and Andrew Keen; the former advancing a number of arguments that web 2.0, user generated content and open source development are essentially positive and good for the development of knowledge on a number of levels. His arguments were fairly balanced and well structured presenting both how web 2.0 could have both positive and negative effects on quality, democracy and the equality of access to information, especially in the developing world. But it has to be said his argument presented a definite positive outlook.

Andrew Keen was essentially the pantomime villain and played up to the role with a passionate diatribe against user generated content and virtual worlds such as Second Life. His argument was that most of the content created by non-professionals, or amateurs is garbage and not worth paying for and that the availability of this free content will eventually endanger quality content provided by experts that we have traditionally paid for. He also has a big problem with San Francisco “hippy” counterculture and makes the point that while the founders and proponents of the current Web 2.0 phenomenon are essentially against government intervention they are also very pro-market by virtue of their libertarian worldview. His arguments as presented this evening did seem to jump around from one point to another, almost as some sort of taster to the arguments presented in his book which he shamelessly plugged during his speech. I am almost tempted to buy a copy to find out what he was actually trying to say but I’m not sure that I should for fear that I will have fallen into some sort of perverse marketing trap. He did present some interesting and positive opinions on the value of media literacy in response to a question from the audience; in that we need to educate our children on the interpreting of media to discern where there is bias, commercial interest or just plain incompetence.

A good point was made by a fellow delegate while chatting over dinner; that both speakers presented a number of obvious truths amongst their more questionable arguments and so it was fairly difficult to establish any truth from the polemic. Overall these were two excellent speakers at least from an ‘entertainment’ point of view. It’s only a shame that Charles Leadbetter had to get a train halfway through the session so we weren’t treated to a full debate between the two.

It's all coming together

I am sitting in a plenary at the ALT-C conference in Nottingham, listening to Michelle Sellenger’s interesting talk. The talk is also being webcasted using e-lluminate. I can watch Michelle on e-lluminate as well as live (and blog)

What really strikes me is that for the first time in my experience, I am sitting in a really large conference, the wireless is working fine as is all of the technology and we can actualy do, without any hassle, all the things speakers are describing.

September 4th, 2007|Blogging, Conferences|1 Comment|

Social Software and Libraries Literature review published

The literature review for the LASSIE (Libraries and Social Software in Education) project was published today on the LASSIE project blog. The report provides an overview of how social software is impacting on libraries, on issues relating to libraries supporting distance learners and on how the library operates as a social space.

New LSE Law blogs

There are two new LSE Blogs, highlighted by Media @ LSE

Both are hosted externally by Blogger. I think I should put together a page of LSE blogs… a public PageFlakes maybe… just the thing for a Friday afternoon…

Update – a public list of LSE Blogs

March 30th, 2007|Blogging|0 Comments|