About Sarah Ney

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So far Sarah Ney has created 34 entries.

Flipping Lectures

What is a flipped classroom ?

The flipped classroom is a pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed. Short video lectures are viewed by students at home before the class session, while in-class time is devoted to exercises, projects, or discussions 7 Things You Should Know About… Flipped Classrooms from Educause.



There are many possibilities in terms of resources, activities and organisation when flipping a lecture. You’ll find below some useful information about this approach drawing on the results of a study made at LTI.

What are the advantages?

The flipped lecture model is a learner- rather than teacher-centred approach: students take ownership of their own learning.

  • flexibility: students have the ability to watch lectures according to personal time preferences, and can segment the video, pause or rewind it to check on their understanding. One student also added that being dyslexic, it was easier for her to watch the video before the class to be better prepared.
  • engagement: strong connections between pre-class preparation and in-class sessions ensure that students are engaged in both the material and the discussions. They are given more time to discuss and question aspects of the lecture. They become active participants instead of passive listeners.
  • peer -learning and collaboration: face-to-face time can be used to work in groups and favours knowledge transfer between learners. Activities can be student-led, and the teacher’s role will be the one of a facilitator.

Other benefits include a greater focus on practical application with more “hands-on” activities and a deeper understanding of theories and concepts thanks to the combination of such activities with key concepts and notions drawn from the recorded lectures.

How to make a successful transition from traditional to flipped learning?

A key aspect observed from flipped lectures is the shift of the role of the lecturer from instructor to facilitator. As more responsibility is given to students, it is essential to ensure that:

  • the learning outcomes are made clear
  • the material selected is relevant and clearly connected to the class activities
  • learners receive clear instructions as to what they need to do when preparing for and participating in face-to-face sessions

This might lead to additional work when preparing the course and also requires facilitation skills such as time-keeping, balancing participation, listening and summarising/rephrasing, etc.

Need more information and help?




A guide on teaching with tablets

NASA Visulization Explore (APP)By 2017, half of the British population will use a tablet*. The device has found its place in many households, but how is it – or can it be used in the context of teaching and learning? Prof. Frank Cowell, winner of an LTI grant, and his Research Assistant, Xuezhu Shi looked into how tablets could be used by teachers in their lectures and devised a guide to help them select the right material and tools to use them as a “virtual chalkboard”

Learning Commons Competition: The results are in!


Last month LSE students submitted their entries for our design competition. The panel, made of members from the library, IMT, estates and the student union selected their best entries and here are the results :

  • First Prize (iPad Air 2) : James Dunn
  • Highly Commended Entry (£100 Amazon voucher) : Portia Roelofs
  • Other commended entries and students who submitted their ideas via our online survey received a £10 Amazon voucher


James was awarded his prize by Nicola Wright from Library Services and Nick Deyes from IMT

The objective of the competition, open to all LSE students, was to “Create a modern and engaging environment for the Library lower ground floor that caters for contemporary and future study requirements.”

The panel selected their best entries according to the following criteria:

  1. Functionality of the new space design
  2. Quality and accuracy of the rationale
  3. Originality, innovation and imagination
  4. Considerations of limitations, explicit or otherwise

As a member of the panel explained, James’ design was selected because he “has done a masterful job addressing the multiple functions required of a space like the LSE library lower ground floor.” His design was praised for taking into account students’ explicit needs as well as anticipating less obvious ones : “This design would transform the space by giving students more of what they want, and a great deal of what they did not even know they were missing.

Below are some elements from James’ design, as well as a plan of the current layout:

As he himself put it, the rationale behind his design “is a simple one : transforming a large box-like space into a more humane, functional and beautiful study area without diverging too far from the aesthetic of the rest of the building’s interior”. James’ focus was on increasing the number of study spaces by using vertical space. Accessibility, light, sound, charging points and sustainability were also key to his design and choice of equipment and materials

Portia’s work was also highly commended, in particular her idea of fitting the space with “spiral study huts”:



Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all the students who took part in the competition or answered our online survey! LTI will be happy to answer any comments or further questions on the competition. Please email them to

Next Generation Learning Commons Competition

Next Generation Learning Commons competitionDo you have ideas and suggestions on improving the students’ experience at the library?

Would you like to have your say in the changes happening there? 

Would you like to feed your ideas into a project to redesign the lower ground floor space?

Do you want to win an iPad or Amazon vouchers?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, then this competition is for you !

LSE Library and IMT are holding a student competition from Thursday, February 26th to Friday, March 20th. The objective of the competition is to propose ideas to create a modern and engaging environment for the Library lower ground floor that meets students’ contemporary and future needs.

The winning design will receive an iPad Air 2 worth £479 and you will also get the opportunity to boost your CV and to feed your ideas into the design phase.

-> Have a look at the full competition details to find out how to enter.
-> No time? Just send us your ideas!
If you have ideas but no time to enter the design competition then you can also send us your ideas about how you would reorganise the space. The best suggestions will receive Amazon vouchers. Submit here !