Looking to choose your next title to review? Click below to use the availability spreadsheet and find out more about available titles in your discipline. The spreadsheet is updated daily by our editors, and has been created to make the reviewing process smoother for our regular reviewers.

Once you have identified an available book in your subject area that you are interested in reviewing, please contact our editors at lsereviewofbooks@lse.ac.uk with details. It is advisable to suggest two or three books, as some titles may be more suited to other reviewers.

Potential reviewers who are yet to contribute to the site are kindly asked to contact our editorial team at lsereviewofbooks@lse.ac.uk to discuss their interests and experience.


Funded by HEIF 5

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This work by LSE Review of Books is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 UK: England & Wales.