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LSE London

March 15th, 2018

Planning for a Growing London – Alex Williams, Director of City Planning, TfL | Lent Term Seminar


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

LSE London

March 15th, 2018

Planning for a Growing London – Alex Williams, Director of City Planning, TfL | Lent Term Seminar


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Click on the picture to download PPT presentation

On Monday, Alex Williams, Director of City Planning, Transport for London, gave a presentation on London’s transport strategy. Click here to download PPT presentation.

Williams reminded the audience about the role of TfL and the responsibilities of this organisation, which has been around since 2000. Since its implementation, TfL has been an important stakeholder in London’s growth. Indeed, the organisation has expanded its network with several transport modes such as DLR, Santander bikes and the Overground.

Williams explained that these changes have helped increase the use of public transportation. In 2000, 53% of daily trips were by sustainable modes. This has risen to 63% in 2015.

TfL has also been a way for the different Mayors to make political changes to the city such as aiming for better quality of air through the implementation of the congestion charge first, and then the Ultra Low Emission Zones. Indeed, the draft for public consultation transport strategy emphasises a goal of “healthy street and healthy people” with high goals for increasing the use of public transportation and lowering carbon emissions.

Alex Williams is the Director of City Planning at Transport for London

His responsibilities are:

  • Working with the Mayor to develop/deliver his Transport Strategy for London
  • Develop and gain powers for major infrastructure projects such as tube extensions/new river crossings
  • Provide transport advice on Land Use Planning applications referable to the Mayor; Manage relationship with London Boroughs
  • Ensure our work is underpinned by a robust evidence base through modelling and analysis

Alex was formally appointed to the post in April 2017 having held it on an interim basis since April 2016. Before that he was Director of Borough Planning (from 2007). Prior to TfL he worked in LB Camden and LB Ealing

About the author

LSE London

Established 1998, LSE London is a centre of research excellence on the economic and social issues of the London region, as well as the problems and possibilities of other urban and metropolitan regions.

Posted In: Lent Term Seminars

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