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LSE London

June 27th, 2014

Migration and the Transformation of London: An International Perspective


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

LSE London

June 27th, 2014

Migration and the Transformation of London: An International Perspective


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Conference PictureThis thought-provoking event was the culmination of a two-year knowledge exchange project looking at some of the major impacts that rapid in-migration from overseas has had on the London economy  – and on the lived experience of workers and residents of London since the late 1980s.

The project has included a wide range of activities bringing together academics, professionals and policy makers to look at the evidence on migration patterns within London; to assess the impact of migration on different sectors of the London economy – notably higher education, finance, IT and servicing activities; and to evaluate the effects of government policy limiting entry for non EU migrants.

The conference brought together international experts to give a comparative perspective to our understanding of the key issues around the economic and social impact of migration on major cities. The first session looked at the economic significance of migration both for high end activities and across the London labour market. The second concentrated on social issues, particularly the impact of rapid immigration on communities and access to housing. The third session looked at political aspects, both in relation to change in London’s politics and management of the city’s transformation. In each case the aim was to use evidence from wider research on these issues, and the experience of other international centres to illuminate, and stimulate creative debate about key issues for London. A final panel session concentrated on how research and evidence can effectively inform and modify political and professional decisions.


Introductory Remarks Podcast:


Session 1: Migration and the economy

Key London developments
Ian Gordon, LSE London

A UK Perspective
Jonathan Portes, NIESR

Learning from Switzerland
Aymo Brunetti, University of Bern


Session 2: Migration, communities and services

Key London developments
Christine Whitehead, LSE London

A UK Perspective
David Goodhart, DEMOS

Learning from Amsterdam
Professor Robert Kloosterman, University of Amsterdam


Session 3: Migration, politics and the city

Key London developments
Tony Travers, LSE London

A UK perspective
Professor Shamit Saggar, University of Essex

Learning from New York
Professor John Mollenkopf, CUNY

About the author

LSE London

Established 1998, LSE London is a centre of research excellence on the economic and social issues of the London region, as well as the problems and possibilities of other urban and metropolitan regions.

Posted In: Conferences | Events | International