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LSE London

March 3rd, 2017

LSE London / Regional Urban Planning Studies (RUPS) Lent Term Seminars


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

LSE London

March 3rd, 2017

LSE London / Regional Urban Planning Studies (RUPS) Lent Term Seminars


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes



LSE London’s 2017 Lent term seminar series begins on the 16th of January. Speakers from within and beyond LSE will focus on London’s current economic and political environment London, covering relevant issues such as London’s planning strategy, Brexit, gender, urban space, and right to the everyday life, West London corridor, suburban gentrification, TFL crossrail, and the Outer London Commission.

Presenters include academics and practitioners from relevant fields. Each seminar is chaired by one of the members of LSE London, while speaker’s presentations, available podcasts and any other related documents are posted here regularly after each session .

The seminar is held every Monday at New Academic Building (NAB) LG09 (Alumni Theatre), from 17:00 to 18:30 located at the LSE, map and directions here.

For more information, please contact LSE London at: uk.

   Presenter Title & Description
16 Jan James Clark, Housing Policy Manager, Greater London Authority Supplementary Planning Guidance: London’s strategy

This presentation will cover the London housing context and particularly the affordable housing situation. It will outline the new Mayor’s housing priorities and set out the action he has taken so far to increase the number of affordable homes in London.

23 Jan Richard Brown, Research Director, Centre for London Brexit and London

Richard Brown will present Centre for London’s research on London’s status as a global city, the risks to this posed by Brexit, and how these might be addressed through local action or lobbying at a national level.

30 Jan Yasminah Beebeejaun, Lecturer, Bartlett School of Planning, UCL Gender, urban space, and the right to everyday life

Gender remains a neglected focus for theory and practice in shaping cities. Given women’s continuing economic and social marginalization and the prevalence of violence against women, how can this be the case? Despite several decades of feminist scholarship, dominant perspectives within the “the right to the city” literature pay little attention to how “rights” are gendered. In contrast, feminist and queer scholarship concerned with everyday life and the multiple spatial tactics of marginalized city dwellers reveal a more complex urban arena in which rights are negotiated or practiced. This presentation suggests that a fuller recognition of the contested publics that coexist within the contemporary city and the gendered mediation of everyday experiences could enable planners and policy makers to undertake more inclusive forms of intervention in urban space.

6 Feb Nick Falk, Founder Director, URBED and Jonathan Manns, Director Regeneration & Planning, Collier International Re/shaping London: unlocking sustainable growth in West London and beyond

The London Society’s latest White Paper, “Re/Shaping London: Unlocking Sustainable Growth in West London and Beyond”, sets out a radical agenda for change across England. Commissioned by the All Party Parliamentary Group on London’s Planning and Built Environment, it makes the case to plan, enable and build new development. Replete with new ideas, the report includes, amongst other things, proposals for a new ‘Green Web’ to be introduced to replace the ‘Green Belt’. It also seeks to apply some of the key concepts to West London, suggesting that a West London ‘Green Web’ could alone accommodate 100,000 new homes (equivalent to four new towns!) and including demands for a new Garden City at Northolt Airport, new suburban railway and suburban densification.

Click here to download the PPT presentation.

20 Feb Antoine Paccoud, Researcher, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) and Alan Mace, Assistant Professor, LSE Tenure change in Outer London: suburban urpscaling as gentrification?

This presentation looks at the distribution of social upscaling across London linked to changes in tenure between 2001 and 2011. Against a background of discussions of suburban decline, it shows that there are a number of Outer London areas which have seen upscaling trajectories linked to the Private Rented Sector. The analysis reveals that this particular type of upscaling was made possible by the variegation in the Outer London landscape: within a space dominated by early to mid-20th century semi-detached and terraced (row) housing, areas of distinctive architecture and excellent accessibility offer a diluted version of the metropolitan milieu gentrifiers seek in the inner city. Buy To Let gentrification in Outer London can thus be understood as an overspill by those uninterested in, or unable to access, ownership and priced out of high house price Inner London.

Click here to access the PPT presentation.

27 Feb Gareth Fairweather, Principal Planner, Transport for London This session will consider the role of London’s transport network in supporting the delivery of new homes and jobs. It will draw on examples to show how ‘good growth’ and regeneration can be supported both through making better use of the existing transport network, and by investing to upgrade and expand it. The links between transport, planning policy and issues of delivery will also be discussed.
6 Mar Alan Benson, Head of Housing Strategy and Commissioning at Haringey Council


Making Central Government and Mayoral policies work at the local level

Alan Benson will discuss how Central Government and Mayoral housing policies have been playing out at the local level and the challenges faced by local councils and communities. He will also discuss how they can make the best use of the opportunities now being put in place by national and London-wide government.

Click here to access the PPT presentation.

13 Mar William McKee, Chair Mayor of London’s Outer London Commission Green Belts and Corridors

Click here to access the PPT presentation.

20 Mar Separate event TBA

For further information please contact Fanny Blanc:

Tel: 020 7955 6847 or 020 7955 6522

About the author

LSE London

Established 1998, LSE London is a centre of research excellence on the economic and social issues of the London region, as well as the problems and possibilities of other urban and metropolitan regions.

Posted In: Lent Term Seminars

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