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Sierra Williams

October 16th, 2013

Open Access Perspectives in the Humanities and Social Sciences: An Edited Collection


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Sierra Williams

October 16th, 2013

Open Access Perspectives in the Humanities and Social Sciences: An Edited Collection


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

SierraManaging Editor Sierra Williams announces the launch of the Impact blog’s first eCollection, Open Access Perspectives in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Over the next week we will feature a variety of perspectives from scholars in the humanities and social sciences designed to inform and inspire wider conversations about Open Access.

The Impact of Social Sciences blog has worked steadily over the last three years to encourage meaningful discussion on how scholarly communication can be improved to ensure the lasting relevance and reach of academic research. Momentum of the Open Access movement has been instrumental to provoking wider engagement of these issues. It is fitting then that the theme of Open Access Week this year is Redefining Impact.

Image credit: Catulle CC-BY

In conjunction with SAGE and in association with the British Academy and Academy of Social Sciences, the LSE Public Policy Group will be hosting a conference on Thursday 24 October focusing on the opportunities and challenges that Open Access presents specifically for the humanities and social sciences. Most of the major discussions, policy inquiries, and funder mandates around Open Access have been led by the STEM community and it is therefore really important that we consider the unique characteristics of scholarship and publishing in the social sciences and humanities.

While Open Access Week doesn’t officially start until Monday 21st of October, we are excited to announce that we will be featuring a collection of posts over the next week designed to inform and inspire wider conversations about open access in the humanities and social sciences. The collection seeks to explore a variety of perspectives from within the social science and humanities community and we hope the collection along with the conference will act as a catalyst to discuss further issues that have yet to be fully worked out.

There are still some spots left if you would like to attend the conference, but if you can’t be there in person we would also invite you to join-in via Google Hangouts where the conference will be broadcast. You can also follow discussions on the day on twitter at #HSSOA. We have arranged for the full collection to be made available and downloadable after the event.

Finally, many thanks to all our contributors and the SAGE team for making this collection possible.

If you have any questions or concerns on Open Access Perspectives in the Humanities and Social Sciences, please do get in touch at

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About the author

Sierra Williams

Posted In: Open Access


This work by LSE Impact of Social Sciences blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.