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October 30th, 2012

Does your organisation use research from the social sciences? Tell us what value it brings

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Blog Admin

October 30th, 2012

Does your organisation use research from the social sciences? Tell us what value it brings

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Does your organisation use research from the social sciences?

If so, tell us how you use it and what value it brings.

Fill out our short survey here

Last week we launched a survey for academic social scientists working in UK universities to tell us how their own research and research in their discipline has an impact on the world outside academia. Today, we are launching another survey to hear from the research user perspective – to find out how organizations in business, government, and the third sector access and use research from the social sciences, and how they gain value from it.
If you are working in sectors other than academia, and you use university social science research in some way, or you have links with university academics, we would like to hear your views. The survey is relatively short, and provides ample space for you to tell us what you think.

It focuses in particular on:

  • How you get access to research in the social sciences;
  • Good examples or illustrations of how social science research has made a difference to your organization; and
  • How impacts from research could be strengthened to bring further benefits to your organization.

We are trying to reach a wide range of organizations, covering as many sectors and fields as possible. Below is a diagram illustrating what we mean by social sciences, i.e. the kinds of disciplines and expertise that you might be drawing on. Often, the kinds of research you use or need does not fit easily into one discipline only, so we are interested also to hear about the kinds of research needs you have and how you go about fulfilling them.

The survey will only take 10 minutes or so to complete. But please feel free to give us as much detail as you would like, and leave us your contact details at the end so that we can stay in touch.

Also, it would be great if you would spread the word to other colleagues in the hope that they might fill in the survey too.

Many thanks for your interest and help! We really appreciate it.




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Blog Admin

Posted In: Impact


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