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LSE Government

May 30th, 2017

Why vote? Students tell us what they think

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

LSE Government

May 30th, 2017

Why vote? Students tell us what they think

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Why Vote?

We asked students out on the LSE campus and at our annual study retreat one simple question, why vote?

"Every vote counts!" - Serena (LSE Social Policy)
“Every vote counts!” – Serena (LSE Social Policy)
"It's my democratic right" - Jim (LSE Government)
“It’s my democratic right” – Jim (LSE Government)
"Control your future" Gerald (LSE Geography & Environment)
“Control your future” – Gerald (LSE Geography & Environment)
"To have your voice heard by the most powerful people to help you!" - Jodie (LSE Government)
“To have your voice heard by the most powerful people to help you!” – Jodie (LSE Government)
"Opportunity for change!" - Nick (LSE History)
“Opportunity for change!” – Nick (LSE International History)
"Because *they* don't represent me" - Nour (LSE Government)
“Because *they* don’t represent me” – Nour (LSE Government)
"Have a voice!" - James (LSE Geography & Environment)
“Have a voice!” – James (LSE Geography & Environment)
"To make change!" - Zad (LSE Government)
“To make change!” – Zad (LSE Government)
"1. Hard-fought rights are easily forgotten when unexercised. 2. Equal representation + rational discussion = as close to the ideal state as possible" - Wilson (LSE Law)
“1. Hard-fought rights are easily forgotten when unexercised. 2. Equal representation + rational discussion = as close to the ideal state as possible” – Wilson (LSE Law)
"Other options are expensive" - Hallelujah (LSE Government)
“Other options are expensive” – Hallelujah (LSE Government)
"You can be part of change" - Linde (LSE International Relations) & Max (UCL)
“You can be part of change” – Linde (LSE International Relations) & Max (UCL)
"Decisions are made by those who show up!" - Matthew (LSE Government)
“Decisions are made by those who show up!” – Matthew (LSE Government)

Why Vote?Want to join the conversation? Take a ‘Why Vote?’ photo of your own and share it on Twitter – @LSEGovernment

Visit our ‘Why Vote?’ page to find out more about the project and watch our latest videos.

About the author

LSE Government

Posted In: Featured | Students | Why Vote