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LSE Government

July 7th, 2016

‘Identity, integration & community’: looking back at our Cumberland Lodge Conference 2016


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

LSE Government

July 7th, 2016

‘Identity, integration & community’: looking back at our Cumberland Lodge Conference 2016


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Dr Jill Stuart takes a look back at Cumberland Lodge 2016; the Department of Government’s annual conference which gives students the opportunity to engage with, academics, experts and policy makers.

A weekend of lectures and discussion

Each year the Department of Government offers its students the opportunity to attend a weekend of lectures and discussion at Cumberland Lodge. The Lodge is a stunning Royal property located in Windsor Great Park, unique in opening its doors to academic institutions to host residential conferences — an invitation that we readily embrace every year.

This year’s conference was held in late April and attracted a broad range of speakers addressing core issues surrounding the theme of ‘Identity, integration and community.’ Recurring topics amongst speakers over the weekend included: immigration and the Brexit referendum, the Muslim community in the UK including women and Islam, and issues relating to integration versus toleration.

Outstanding and diverse speakers

Tamanna-Moushumi-quote-smallOur 2016 conference programme featured an outstanding list of high profile speakers; including politicians, academics, practitioners and activists. The insights they offered ranged from the theoretical to the directly applied, reflecting the speakers’ wealth of expertise and diverse backgrounds, which all contributed to the intellectual variety of the weekend.

This year we were honoured to host:

  • Julie Siddiqui, Nisa-Nashim: speaking on ‘Integration through an optimist’s lens’
  • Professor Eric Kaufman, Birkbeck College: speaking on ‘From Multiculturalism to Multivocalism:
    Complexity and National Identity’
  • Professor Vernon Bogdanor CBE, FBA Kings College London: speaking on ‘Ideology and Identity in European Politics’
  • Bénédicte Paviot, UK correspondent, France 24: speaking on “Comparing two models of integration”
  • Meg Hillier MP, Chair of the Public Accounts Committee
  • Trevor Phillips, President John Lewis Partnership Council and chair, Green Park Diversity Analytics
  • Sir Stephen Wall, former UK ambassador and Permanent Representative to the European Commission
  • Sunder Katwala, Director British Future
  • Lord Alfred Dubs, former Northern Ireland Minister, former Chair of Liberty and a former Director/CEO of the Refugee Council.

Academic debate in a relaxed environment

Over two nights the department’s students, faculty and guest speakers engaged in academic discussion sessions, a decent amount of drinks in the on-site pub, and perhaps a little too much food courtesy of the excellent Cumberland Lodge catering staff. The rain held off for the traditional Saturday afternoon walk in Windsor Great Park, and those who managed to arise in time attended the Queen’s private chapel for church on Sunday.

What our students say

Cumberland Lodge, for its beauty and history, is an experience that no LSE student should complete their degree without. Great company, amazing speakers and delicious three course meals! This was a perfect mini-break during the exam period, and allowed the undergraduates, postgraduates and tutors of the department to relax and debate in a historically stimulating environment.

Tamanna Moushumi (BSc Politics & International Relations)

A weekend of stimulating debate, a bucolic romp around Windsor Great Park, a well-appointed 17th century lodge – it’s the royal residence study break package you’ve been waiting for.

Patrick Kilmartin (MSc Political Theory)


Overall, this was yet another successful annual conference at Cumberland Lodge for the Department of Government. We are incredibly grateful to the Lodge for hosting us and look forward to returning in 2017!

Watch our Cumberland Lodge video to find out more

Portrait photo of Dr Jill StuartDr Jill Stuart is a visiting fellow in the LSE Department of Government, Editor-in-chief of Space Policy and Trustee of METI International.

Follow Jill on Twitter – @DrJillStuart

About the author

LSE Government

Posted In: Featured | Staff | Students

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