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Maddie Smith

November 14th, 2017

Wondering how to find fulfilling work? Try these top tips from our ‘Work It Out’ series


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Maddie Smith

November 14th, 2017

Wondering how to find fulfilling work? Try these top tips from our ‘Work It Out’ series


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Today more than ever, we want to find work that pays the bills and is also meaningful to us. But how can you go about it so your work aligns with your passions and makes you bounce out of bed in the morning? LSE Careers and LSE Life has engaged a range of career specialists to help you answer this question in their new ‘Work It Out’ events series.

The first ‘Work it Out’ event featured social philosopher and author of ‘How to find fulfilling work’ Roman Kzrnaric who gave us his top tips for finding work that you are passionate about. But what were they?

1. Know that everyone is confused about finding the right career.
In today’s complex world there are so many jobs out there that confusion is normal! Just remember that fear of making the wrong choice can lead you to not making a choice at all! So don’t think too much and start looking into those possibilities.

2. Don’t look to personality tests to give you the answers.
It’s helpful to know where your preferences lie, but it’s impossible to work out what you want to do by completing endless personality tests. Instead, put your time into pursuing things that make you feel excited, and see where they take you.

3. Forget being a high achiever, become a wide achiever!
Wouldn’t it be stimulating to have more than one specialism over the course of your career? Starting now, ensure you make time to explore the different sides of you rather than solely focus on one skillset. You’re likely to enjoy the work you do more, and ultimately have greater job security.

4. Look for the place where your talents and values cross
The most important question to ask yourself is ‘where do my skills and passions meet the needs of the world?’ Then look for opportunities that match what you found – it’s a fool proof way to find fulfilling work. And don’t forget to discuss your quest with friends and family, they may suggest things you haven’t thought about.

5. Discover when you’re in ‘flow’ and then find a career to match
Keep a ‘flow’ diary for a month of times when you have felt perfectly challenged, and the time just flew. What were you doing and experiencing? Might there be a job in there somewhere? Find it and start exploring it!

6. Act first, reflect later
Don’t sit around procrastinating. Identify what you want to try and test it out.  Volunteer – you can find volunteering opportunities via the LSE Volunteer Centre, try something new at the weekend, write your adventure list and see where it takes you. Just take a step to branch out and make what you want to do a reality. Radical sabbatical anyone?


To learn more, read Roman’s book, available in the LSE Careers Resource Centre, and check out details about our forthcoming ‘Work It Out‘ events.  We hope these tips help you on your way to finding work that fulfils you. Try applying the advice and let us know how you get on by emailing

Thanks to Emma O’Brien an attendee and LSE Careers CV Adviser for sharing her insights from the session.

About the author

Maddie Smith

Careers Consultant, LSE Careers

Posted In: Career planning | LSE Careers

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